Shining A Light On The Pros And Cons Of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan salt lamps have been gaining popularity in recent years as a way to improve air quality, enhance mood, and promote better sleep. These lamps are made from natural Himalayan salt crystals that are said to emit negative ions when heated, which can neutralize pollutants and allergens in the air.

However, despite their growing popularity, there is limited scientific evidence to support many of the claims made about the benefits of Himalayan salt lamps. In this post, I will take a closer look at the pros and cons of these lamps to help you decide if they are right for you.

From claims of improved air quality and sleep benefits to the potential risks, I’ll cover it all so that you can make an informed decision about any salt lamp purchases and uses.

Himalayan Salt Lamps – The Pros

Some of the most touted benefits of Himalayan salt lamps include their ability to improve air quality, help improve sleep, and boost your mood. By helping you relax, they can help you get a better night’s rest and wake up feeling refreshed.

Here is a little more detail on the pros salt lamps can bring to your workspace or home:

  • Improved Air Quality – Himalayan salt lamps are said to purify the air by releasing negative ions that neutralize pollutants and allergens. Negative ions are naturally occurring in the environment and are found in high concentrations in natural settings such as forests, mountains, and near waterfalls. These ions are believed to neutralize pollutants in the air, including allergens, mold, and bacteria, which can help to improve overall air quality.
  • Better Sleep – The warm orange or pink glow of the lamps is said to help relax the mind and improve sleep quality. The soft light from the lamp creates a calming and soothing atmosphere that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. This can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep, leading to better sleep quality.
  • Mood Enhancement – The negative ions emitted by the lamps are said to boost mood and reduce stress. Negative ions are believed to increase the levels of serotonin in the brain, which is a chemical associated with positive moods. Additionally, the soft light and warm colors of the lamps can create a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere, further reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Increased Energy – People who spend the majority of their time indoors are said to receive an energy boost from lamps that generate Negative Ions. The oxygen flow to your brain increases with those ions, thereby allowing for a greater level of concentration and focus. Unquestionably, it can even lead to higher energy levels overall!
  • Aesthetics – Himalayan salt lamps are also said to provide various aesthetic benefits. The warm glow created by the lamp can add a cozy ambiance to any room, as well as serve as a source of light in dark areas.

Please note that these claims are not medically or scientifically validated and there is no solid evidence that Himalayan salt lamps have any health benefits. It’s better to use them for their calming aesthetic rather than as a substitute for medical advice.

Himalayan Salt Lamps – The Cons

Although Himalayan salt lamps are generally considered to be safe, some potential risks should be taken into consideration, namely the touted medical benefits.

If you use a salt lamp and you believe it makes you feel better then that’s great but, as mentioned above, there are no medical studies that back these claims up. That doesn’t mean they’re not true…it just means that the advice on the internet should not supersede the advice of medical professionals.

  • Limited Scientific Evidence – While many claims about the benefits of Himalayan salt lamps are made, there is limited scientific evidence to support them. The majority of research on the benefits of Himalayan salt lamps is based on anecdotal evidence, rather than scientific studies. More research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and risks of these lamps.
  • Potential Risks – If the lamp is not made from pure Himalayan salt, it may contain other minerals that can be harmful if inhaled. Some lamps may contain impurities such as heavy metals, which can be released into the air when the lamp is heated. It’s important to ensure that the lamp you purchase is made from pure Himalayan salt to minimize any potential risks.
  • Fire Hazard – If the lamp is not used properly or is damaged, it can pose a fire hazard. The lamp should be placed on a stable surface and away from flammable materials. It should not be left on for extended periods without supervision, and it should be inspected regularly for any damage or wear.
  • Price – Himalayan salt lamps are generally considered more expensive than other types of lamps, and their prices can vary widely depending on their size, shape, and quality. Luckily, they are not prohibitively expensive and can usually be found for less than $30.
  • Size and Placement – As lamps come in different sizes and shapes, they may not fit in certain spaces, and can be difficult to place them in certain areas or rooms. It also emits light, it may not be suitable for certain spaces or activities where low light is needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Improve Air Quality?

Himalayan salt lamps are said to improve air quality by releasing negative ions into the air. These ions are believed to neutralize pollutants in the air, including allergens, mold, and bacteria, which can help to improve overall air quality.

When the salt crystals in a Himalayan salt lamp are heated, they release negative ions into the air. These ions attach themselves to positively charged pollutants and allergens, neutralizing them and making them heavy enough to fall to the ground. This process is said to effectively purify the air, making it cleaner and healthier to breathe.

Some studies have shown that negative ions can help to reduce the levels of certain pollutants in the air, including dust, pollen, and pet dander. In addition, they may also help to reduce the levels of certain bacteria and viruses, making the air cleaner and healthier to breathe.

How Do You Choose A High-Quality Himalayan Salt Lamp?

When purchasing a Himalayan salt lamp, it’s important to look for one that is made from pure Himalayan salt. Many lamps are not made from real Himalayan salt and may contain impurities or other minerals that can be dangerous if inhaled.

  • UL Listed – Look for a lamp that is UL listed as this means it has been tested by an independent laboratory and is certified to meet safety standards.
  • Lamp Size – It’s also important to check the size of the lamp before purchasing, as it needs to fit in the desired space, and to make sure that it includes all the necessary components, such as a base and cord.
  • Price – Finally, look for lamps that are reasonably priced and come with a warranty or guarantee. This will help ensure that the lamp is of good quality and that any problems can be quickly resolved.

What Kind Of Research Has Been Done About The Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Lamps?

Although there is some anecdotal evidence of the benefits of Himalayan salt lamps, there is limited research about their effects on air quality.

Some studies have shown that negative ions released from heated salt crystals can help to reduce levels of certain pollutants in the air, as well as reduce levels of bacteria and viruses. However, the research that has been done a very limited, and much more testing needs to be done before any of the claims can be passed off as genuine advice.


Hi, I'm Chris. Who knew there could be so many interesting things about salt?!

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