Is All Pool Salt The Same? Understanding the Differences

Is All Pool Salt The Same? Learn how solar salt differs from mined salt and why choosing the right one matters for your saltwater pool.

When it comes to maintaining a saltwater pool, the type of salt you choose can make a significant difference in the overall performance and enjoyment of your swimming experience.

In this article, I’m going to unravel the mystery surrounding various pool salt types and their impact on saltwater pool sanitation.

Let’s dive deeper into the distinctions between solar salt and mined salt, as we shed light on the crucial factors that pool owners should consider when selecting the right salt for their pools.

Is all Pool Salt the Same?

Generally, not all pool salt is the same. While the primary chemical composition of pool salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), there can be differences in the purity and quality of the salt.

Pool salt should be specifically labeled as “pool salt” or “swimming pool salt” to ensure it is suitable for use in saltwater pools.

The three main types of pool salt are:

  • Solar Salt: This type of salt is obtained through the evaporation of seawater or saltwater from salt ponds or salt lakes. It typically contains fewer impurities, making it a popular choice for pool owners.
  • Mined Salt: Mined salt is extracted from underground salt deposits. It may contain more impurities than solar salt, but it is still used in some saltwater pools.
  • Mechanically Evaporated Salt: This salt is produced through a mechanical process that involves evaporating brine to obtain pure sodium chloride crystals.

It’s essential to use pool salt specifically designed for saltwater pools to ensure proper function and avoid potential issues.

Regular table salt or rock salt, for example, should not be used in saltwater pools as they may contain additives or impurities that could damage the salt chlorinator or cause other problems in the pool water.

What is Pool Salt?

Pool salt is a type of salt that is specifically designed for use in swimming pools. It is made up of pure sodium chloride (NaCl), which is the same chemical compound found in table salt.

However, pool salt is different from table salt in that it is specially formulated to dissolve more easily in water and to work well with salt chlorine generators.

Pure sodium chloride is the main ingredient in pool salt. This means that it does not contain any additives or impurities that could harm your pool’s filter or equipment. It is important to use pool salt that is specifically designed for use in swimming pools, as other types of salt may contain additives that could be harmful to your pool.

Pool salt is available in both powdered and granular forms. Granular pool salt is more commonly used, as it dissolves more easily in water and is easier to handle. Most pool supply stores sell pool salt in bulk, making it easy to purchase the amount you need for your pool.

Using pool salt in your swimming pool can help to maintain the proper chlorine levels and keep your pool water clean and clear. It is an affordable and easy-to-use option for pool owners who want to keep their pools in top condition.

Types of Pool Salt

When it comes to pool salt, there are three main types: mined salt, mechanically evaporated salt, and solar salt. Each type has its own unique characteristics and benefits.

Mined Salt

Mined salt is exactly what it sounds like – salt that is extracted from underground mines. This type of salt is typically the least expensive option, but it can contain impurities that may affect the quality of your pool water. Mined salt is also often coarser than other types of pool salt, which can make it more difficult to dissolve.

Mechanically Evaporated Salt

Mechanically evaporated salt is produced by boiling seawater in large vats until the water evaporates, leaving behind salt crystals. This type of salt is generally of higher quality than mined salt, as it is more pure and contains fewer impurities. It is also finer and more easily dissolved than mined salt.

Solar Salt

Solar salt is produced by evaporating seawater using the power of the sun. This method is typically more expensive than mechanically evaporated salt, but it produces a higher quality salt that is free of impurities and dissolves easily. Solar salt is also considered to be more environmentally friendly than other types of pool salt, as it is produced using renewable energy sources.

Is Pool Salt Different from Table Salt?

While both pool salt and table salt primarily consist of sodium chloride (NaCl), they have distinct characteristics, such as additives and grain size, and purposes that make them unsuitable for interchangeable use in certain situations.

Pool salt is usually sold in larger chunks or sizes, which makes it easier to dissolve and distribute evenly in the pool. Table salt, on the other hand, is usually sold in smaller grains or crystals, which may not dissolve as easily in the water.

Another difference is that pool salt often contains fewer additives and impurities than table salt. This is because pool salt is specifically designed for use in swimming pools, where impurities and additives can cause problems with the pool’s chemistry and equipment.

When adding salt to your pool, it is important to use a pool grade option. This is because table salt may contain additives like iodine or anti-caking agents that can interfere with the pool’s chemistry and equipment. Pool salt is also usually less expensive than table salt when purchased in bulk.

Benefits of Using Pool Salt

Pool salt is a specially prepared type of salt that is used to maintain calcium levels in swimming pools. It offers several benefits over regular salt, including:


Pool salt is especially pure, free of debris or organisms that can be hard on pool filters and equipment. This purity helps to keep your pool water clean and clear. Unlike regular salt, pool salt does not contain any anti-caking agents or other additives that could interfere with the operation of your pool’s chlorinator.


Another benefit of using pool salt is that it contains minerals that are beneficial for your pool. These minerals can help to balance the pH level of your pool water, reducing the need for additional chemicals. They can also help to prevent algae growth and improve the overall health of your pool.

In addition to these benefits, pool salt is also easy to use. Simply calculate how much salt you need for your pool, turn off your chlorine generator, and then add the salt. It is recommended that you use a salt test kit to ensure that the salt level in your pool is within the recommended range.

Graphic showing how a saltwater pool system works.

Pool Salt Additives

When it comes to pool salt, there are different types of additives that may be present in the product. These additives can affect the quality and performance of the salt. Here are some common types of additives that you may encounter:

Anti-Caking Agents

Anti-caking agents are added to pool salt to prevent the salt from clumping together. This can be helpful when storing the salt, as it prevents the salt from becoming hard and difficult to use.

However, some anti-caking agents can also affect the performance of the salt, as they may interfere with the chlorination process. If you are using a salt chlorine generator, you may want to choose a salt that is free of anti-caking agents.


Some pool owners prefer to use pool salt that is free of additives. This can be a good option if you are concerned about the quality of the water in your pool.

Additive-free pool salt is typically more expensive than salt with additives, but it may be worth the investment if you want to ensure that you are using the highest-quality salt possible.

Bigger Crystals

Pool salt with bigger crystals can dissolve more slowly than salt with smaller crystals. This can be helpful if you want to maintain a consistent level of salt in your pool over a longer period of time.

Additionally, salt with bigger crystals may be less likely to clog up your chlorine generator, as it is less likely to form a solid mass.

However, you will need to make sure that the salt crystals are still small enough to dissolve completely in your pool water.

Possible Issues with Pool Salt

When it comes to pool salt, it’s important to understand that not all types of salt are created equal. While it can be a great way to sanitize your pool, there are some potential issues to be aware of.

Skin Irritation

One of the most common issues with pool salt is skin irritation. This can occur when the salt concentration in the water is too high, which can cause dryness, itching, and even rashes. To avoid this problem, it’s important to keep the salt levels in your pool within the recommended range.


Another issue with pool salt is discoloration. This can occur when the salt reacts with other chemicals in the water, such as chlorine ions, and can result in stains on your pool’s surface. To prevent this problem, it’s important to maintain proper chemical balance in your pool.


Calcium buildup is another potential issue with pool salt. This can occur when the calcium levels in your pool are too high, which can lead to scaling on your pool’s surface and equipment. To prevent this problem, it’s important to maintain proper calcium levels in your pool.


Copper can also be an issue with pool salt. This can occur when the copper levels in your pool are too high, which can cause staining on your pool’s surface and equipment. To prevent this problem, it’s important to maintain proper copper levels in your pool.


Iron buildup is another potential issue with pool salt. This can occur when the iron levels in your pool are too high, which can lead to staining on your pool’s surface and equipment. To prevent this problem, it’s important to maintain proper iron levels in your pool.


Manganese buildup is another potential issue with pool salt. This can occur when the manganese levels in your pool are too high, which can lead to staining on your pool’s surface and equipment. To prevent this problem, it’s important to maintain proper manganese levels in your pool.

Cost of Pool Salt

When it comes to maintaining a saltwater pool, one of the ongoing expenses is the cost of pool salt. In this section, we will discuss the cost of pool salt and the factors that affect its price.


Buying pool salt in bulk is a great way to save money in the long run. The larger the quantity of salt purchased, the lower the price per pound. Many pool supply stores offer bulk discounts on pool salt, so it’s worth checking with your local supplier to see if they have any deals.


The price of pool salt varies depending on the brand, quantity, and quality. Generally, the price of pool salt ranges from $10 to $25 per 40-pound bag. Some premium brands may charge up to $40 for a 40-pound bag.

It’s important to note that while cheaper pool salt may seem like a good deal, it may contain impurities that can damage your pool equipment and cause other issues. It’s best to invest in high-quality pool salt to ensure the longevity of your pool and its equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Pool Salt?

Pool salt is a type of salt specifically designed for use in saltwater pools. It is made up of sodium chloride, just like regular table salt, but with added minerals that help it dissolve more easily in water.

How Is Pool Salt Different from Regular Salt?

Regular salt, also known as table salt or sodium chloride, is not recommended for use in saltwater pools. Pool salt is specially formulated to dissolve more easily and to not contain any additives that could harm the pool or its equipment.

Can All Pool Salt Be Used Interchangeably?

While many brands of pool salt are similar, it is important to use the type recommended by your pool manufacturer. Using the wrong type of salt could damage your pool or its equipment.

Some popular brands of pool salt include Diamond Crystal, Morton, and AquaChek.

Is Pool Salt Safe to Use Around Plants?

Pool salt can be harmful to plants if used in excess or if it is not properly diluted. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and to avoid using pool salt near plants or in areas where runoff could harm vegetation.

What Are the Benefits of Using Pool Salt Over Other Pool Chemicals?

Using pool salt as a method of sanitizing your pool can have several benefits over traditional pool chemicals. These benefits may include a more natural feel to the water, reduced skin and eye irritation, and lower overall maintenance costs. However, it is important to note that pool salt is not a complete replacement for other pool chemicals and should be used in conjunction with other treatments as recommended by your pool manufacturer.


Hi, I'm Chris. Who knew there could be so many interesting things about salt?!

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